Great Gifts for Mother's Day
Mother’s Day is right around the corner! If you haven’t figured out a plan for your mom this year, here are some ideas for all ages!
For Young Children:
Give the kids some construction paper and crayons. If you’re feeling fancy, maybe add some pieces of colored tissue paper, glitter, and glue. If you’re willing to get a little messy, try out some crayola paint to incorporate the child’s hand print. To top it off, take a photo of each child and tape it to their card for mom!
Plan a special breakfast to make with the kids’ and surprise their mom on Sunday morning. Get young children involved by having them wash fruit or pluck grapes off of their stems for a fruit bowl. Get older children involved by cracking/scrambling eggs, buttering toast, or pouring a glass of orange juice for mom! If you have any fresh flowers near your home, pick one and place it in a small glass. Put it all on a tray and deliver to mom with hugs and kisses!
Print off one of these adorable questionnaires to fill out with your child:
Consider jewelry! (ok maybe this one is more from dad, but…)
Buy mom a gift certificate for a family photo session. Present it in a card with a note or picture drawn by each child. Kids grow up fast - show mom you care about capturing those memories.
For Any Age:
Buy one of these awesome little books to fill out: It’ll take a little time, but your mom will LOVE it!
Or try one of these blank books and start from scratch: Fill it with family pictures and little notes about why you’re thankful for your mom! If you’re feeling a little stuck, dig through old photos for inspiration. For example: a picture of your parents dropping you off at college paired with a note about how thankful you were for the cookies mom mailed to your dorm that first week!
Print a photo onto a card, magnet, mug, or canvas using Shutterfly or Snapfish! In a hurry? Check out what photo gifts CVS or Walgreens can print in store same-day!
Pick out a shirt or pair of earrings you think she’ll love! Always pair it with a heart-felt card and a picture of the two of you.
Buy a gift certificate for a family photo session. I know, I know…I already mentioned this one. But it’s just such a great gift for mom! 9 out of 10 times, moms book photo sessions. Oftentimes, kids (and dads!) take some convincing to get on board. Show mom that you care by setting aside some time for photos.
And now…a picture of my beautiful mother <3
My beautiful mom wearing a necklace I bought her for Mother’s Day a couple years ago. My brother had passed away the year prior, and I wanted to do something special for her. I asked my dad to find cards my brother had given my mom and send me pictures of the insides of the cards. I bought a personalized necklace from Centime Gifts with my brother’s writing engraved on it. One side says “love ya!!” and the other side says “Mark”. <3