Must-Have Baby Items

When I was pregnant, I loved asking moms their favorite / must-have baby items to then add to my registry. I remember even going through old registries from recent baby showers I had attended to get ideas for my own. It’s so much fun to build your own registry and to purchase items for your little one on the way. I really love so many of the items I was given or have since bought! That doesn’t mean I love them all…BUT some mom out there would probably swear by each of those items that I don’t love. So although I’m about to tell you all of my very favorite items, keep in mind that every baby is different. What worked for us, may not work for you. But you never know! Maybe you’ll love some of these items too!


Must-Have Items for Pregnant Women:

If you’re carrying your little one now, you may find these items useful! But if your route is surrogacy, adoption, or anything else - that’s so beautiful as well! Feel free to skip along to the next section.

  • Boppy Pregnancy Pillow - this thing is massive, but it will make what little sleep you do get between bathroom breaks SO much more comfortable. As a stomach sleeper, I had to pick up some very new sleeping habits, and this thing was a must-have! I even stuffed it in a trash bag and took it on a trip to visit my parents in Indiana…worth it!

  • Ginger Candy - Skip the preggy pops, and buy these little babies. You can find them at Target in the medicinal area. Trader Joe’s also has a chew version available. These hard candies (linked) were a life saver for me though! They control bouts of nausea pretty well. Keep some in the car, the kitchen, your purse, and your pocket… I’m not kidding…

  • Praying Through Pregnancy Journal - A gift from my sister-in-law, this sweet journal will guide you through thoughtful meditation and prayer for your little one.

Must-Have Items for Baby:

  • Zipper Footie Pajamas - you won’t have the patience for snaps during 3am feedings. Zippers are the way to go! First thing I sent my husband out to Target for was a 3-pack of zipper footie pajamas in newborn size! I had almost no clothes in that size, and I needed something easy for sleeping.

  • Swaddle - there are lots of different options out there, so make sure to have at least 2 on hand (so you can have 1 in the wash and 1 on hand). Swaddles help control the startle reflex that keeps waking your newborn up. Most newborns don’t enjoy the process of getting swaddled, but most babies enjoy the confined feeling of swaddled sleep. You may even want to bring a swaddle with you to the hospital! I prefer cotton swaddles, because fleece swaddles can get too warm. It really all depends on how you’re dressing your baby and the temperature of your house, but cotton is easy to layer without overheating your little one. Additionally, I should note that the Love to Dream Swaddle is loved by many moms for it’s unusual arms-up positioning.

  • Electric Nail File - babies have claws from day 1, so prepare! They have really soft nails, so nail clippers are not an option for a while. They also like to wiggle around, so your pediatrician will probably recommend you use a file until they’re older. An electric file will help expedite the process!

  • Night Light - I’m not a fan of bright lights for middle-of-the-night feedings or early morning wakings. I absolutely love this night light. It’s so easy to turn on with a simple tap, and there are lots of different colors and brightness options. We leave ours plugged in to avoid a dead battery at an inopportune time.

  • Baby Carrier - There will be times when your baby won’t sleep unless you hold him or her. A baby carrier is a great way to ensure a nap and still be able to move around and do things. I’d recommend a Solly Wrap in addition to a backpack style wrap like the Baby Bjorn (I bought ours used!). We also have a Wild Bird that is just beautiful. The Solly takes the longest to get on but is the most comfortable and womblike - great for home use! The backpack style carrier is a fast option for Target trips and a supportive option for family hikes. The Wild Bird is beautiful for that Instagram shot at the flower farm. As Thatcher gets older/heavier, we’ve started using the backpack style carrier more and more. And when you pick out carriers, consider getting colors your spouse/partner won’t mind wearing!

  • White Noise Machine - To be honest, I wanted to reserve this for travel, but that’s not what happened! When you’re desperate for sleep, you’ll try anything. We quickly became a Taking Cara Babies family, and she recommends a white noise machine like this one.

  • Used Clothes - Buy a few things new because it’s fun. And expect to get a lot of clothes sizes 0-6 months as gifts. But buy the rest used! You can get so many items for nearly nothing if you go to Once Upon a Child, Kid to Kid, or The Nest. They have great clearance sales that are worth looking out for! You’ll even find items that are brand new with tags. So worth it! More interested in specific brand names? Check out the Kidizen app (use code bia3v for $5 off a qualifying purchase). More interested in gear vs clothes? Check out Facebook Marketplace (we bought a Bumbo for $5, porch pickup).

  • Keekaroo Changer - There WILL be blow-outs, but if you get a changer that wipes clean, life gets just a little easier! I will note that changers like this are not quite as cozy for your baby to lay on, but they are so much easier to clean (and if your baby isn’t naked, they probably won’t notice the changer feeling slightly cold).

  • Evenflo Pivot Xpand Stroller - I did a LOT of research on strollers, and I have no regrets in getting this one! It’s half the price of the Uppa Baby Vista, but it comes with more (carseat!) and looks just as sleek. I love it, and I’m especially impressed with its modular setup. If you’re planning/hoping to have kids close in age, I think you’ll love the multiple-child options this stroller provides. And for the price? Wow!

  • Burp Clothes - Lots and lots of burp clothes… These are my favorite because they work really well and are cheap enough to have plenty of backups. You’ll want a burp cloth in every room and bag, and it’s nice to have enough that you can have several in the wash and still be in good shape! I will note that not all burp clothes are created equal. (Similar to how not all kitchen towels dry dishes effectively…)

  • Thermometer - I registered for a cheap thermometer that was part of a safety kit. A pediatrician friend kindly gifted me this far nicer thermometer. Let me tell you…when your baby is crying and you’re taking a rectal temperature, you’re going to want that thermometer to be fast and accurate. Oh, and don’t forget the probe covers

  • Baby Seats - We have this bouncer seat (cheap but awesome), a sit-me-up seat, and an exersaucer. That may feel like a lot, but your baby will use different seats at different ages. Also, I find that if I use the same seat over and over again, Thatcher gets sick of it. Babies love different seats, but I will say that the Bumbo seat was a total bust for us. I bought it used for $5, and I’m glad I didn’t spend more. Other moms love it though! I’ve also heard moms swear by the Baby Bjorn bouncer seat, but I really love my Fisher Price seat that cost $170 less. No regrets!

  • Mom’s One Line a Day Book - I received this as a gift, and I love it! You write down just 1 notable thing from each day. Every year, as you add new memories, you’ll see the thing you wrote on that day 1 year ago, 2 years ago, 3 years ago… My only regret is not starting this book sooner. I decided to start it on January 1st. I should have just started it the day Thatcher was born!

  • Don’t Forget to Remember by Ellie Holcomb - This is our absolute favorite book. We read it to Thatcher every night before bed. It’s beautifully written and illustrated. I’ve worked to memorize it so that I can recite it to Thatcher and always remind him that he is so loved by God. The book starts off by saying “Did you know creation is talking to you, wherever you go and whatever you do?” The story ends with “And even on days you forget what is true, don’t forget to remember, God won’t forget you.” I need to hear it just as much as he does!

  • Evenflo Bottles - I love these bottles because the nipples seem more like a real breast. Thatcher had to work a little harder with these bottles, but it made him just a little better at nursing. We started off with Dr. Brown’s bottles (who doesn’t?!), and they were fine. But there are A LOT of pieces to clean. If your baby doesn’t have colic, those pieces may be unnecessary for you. Try different bottles out and find what works for your baby! (TIP: You can sometimes mix bottles and nipples from different brands, so feel free to try that if it makes your life easier)

  • Wubbanub - I love this thing because it’s harder to lose!

  • Shwally Mat - As your little one gets more active and mobile, you may be interested in a large play mat (especially if you have hardwood floors!). But have no fear! Those colorful puzzle-piece play mats are a thing of the past. There are now beautiful AND practical options available. We purchased a Shwally mat, and it’s incredibly comfortable while also being beautiful! It’s reversible, so there’s a more “fun” side you can use when Grandma claims your play mat is too “grown-up”. But seriously…this mat is awesome. I love laying on it with Thatcher. Shwally is also a pretty small, U.S. company - win win. More interested in a puzzle piece style mat? Check out Little Nomad!

  • IKEA Highchair - I’m just not convinced more expensive versions are any better! Another mom recommended this to me, and we love it. It’s $20 and just a few bucks more for the insert. It’s easy to clean, simple, relatively small, and works wonderfully.


Now before you move on, I just want to say, FED IS BEST! I don’t care if you nurse your baby, pump exclusively, or use formula. Those are all wonderful options. Do what is right for your family.

Must-Have Items for Moms Who Nurse:

  • Lansinoh Therapearl Therapy Packs - I used these things a TON! When you’re engorged, freeze the packs and stick them in your bra between pumping sessions. When you have a clog and are working hard to get milk out, heat up the packs and put them in your bra just before you pump (or during). I love these things.

  • Auden Nursing Bra - Coming in at a cool $17, these babies are comfortable and practical. I own 3, and I like them far better than other nursing bras I’ve tried. I also love how many latches there are in the back. Your breasts will change size a LOT. This bra will stay comfortable.

  • Simple Nursing Clothes - “Nursing” clothes are often expensive, ugly, difficult to find, and overly complicated. My favorite “nursing” clothes are tops that button up like this one and wrap dresses. If you own a nursing cami or continue to wear maternity leggings, you’ll be pretty covered no matter what shirt or sweater you wear on top. Outside of that, the only true “nursing” garment I still wear is a tulip style hoodie I bought from Old Navy. So my advice is to go simple.

  • Nursing Cover - I love that this one is comfortable and cute. It also doubles as a car-seat cover (great when you need to block the sun on a walk. I’ve actually used this cover more to provide a dark environment for sleeping (in the car or in my arms) than I have for nursing.

  • Adjustable Bed - Okay, I know this one is a long shot, BUT if you’re in the market for a new bed, and you’re planning to have kids, get the adjustable base for your bed! It’s FANTASTIC. I absolutely love that I can nurse or pump in bed so comfortably. Your spouse may not love if you adjust the bed while he’s sleeping, but if you have a king size adjustable bed, that’s a non-issue!

Must-Have Items for Moms Who Pump:

  • Pumping Bra - I spent weeks holding pump flanges to my breasts at every odd hour of the day. When I finally bought a pumping bra, I regretted that I hadn’t done so sooner! Free your hands and avoid spills. It’s so worth it!

  • Pumpin Pal Flanges - Standard flange sizes don’t fit all women! And when your flanges don’t fit properly, it can hurt your milk production and be painful to pump. Pumpin Pal has a quiz on their site to figure out if you’re currently using the correct size flanges. They have a sizing guarantee and great customer service. Their angled flanges are more comfortable, better fitting, and can help you produce more milk. They’re a bit pricey, but they’re so worth it!

  • Spectra Pump - Okay so I have only ever tried Spectra, but I purchased it because everyone was raving about it. I think it’s worth the hype. Insurance covered it, and I’m happy with it. I got it through Aeroflow and was super pleased with their customer service. (Pittsburgh mommas: note that if you give birth at Magee and don’t have a pump yet, they will order you a Medela. You won’t have any other brands as options. You will have to wait for it to be shipped to you. That’s all fine. Just know that you have other options!)

  • Car Charger Adaptor - If you ever might have a need to pump in the car (translation: if you ever want to be away for more than 3 hours…), you’re going to need an adaptor. I have used this thing quite a few times!

  • Extras of Everything - Check out how frequently items need to be replaced, and make sure to have extras on hand. I like to have an extra set of bottles and flanges too. I use my backup set when my other set is dirty, and I don’t have time for dishes. Or when a backflow protector accidentally gets stepped on…

  • Chip Clips - I know - this sounds wild! But if you ever need to pump just one side, it’s so much easier to fold and chip-clip one of your tubes rather than unplugging and capping it.

  • Tip: Pump bottles and flanges can be refrigerated between uses. Do your research, but if you find yourself washing your set several times a day…this tip may be a huge time saver!

Don’t Forget the Basics:

You’ll probably want to register or purchase most of the items on the list below. They may not be on my “must-have” list, but you’ll probably want to have these basics…

  • Bassinet

  • Bassinet Sheets (2 sets)

  • Crib

  • Comfortable glider or rocker

  • Crib sheets (2 sets)

  • Waterproof crib mattress covers (if your mattress isn’t waterproof)

  • Car seat and base (multiple bases if you have multiple cars)

  • Diaper bag

  • Diapers and Wipes

  • Boppy or Breast Friend Nursing Pillow

  • Pack-n-play (for travel, if nothing else)

  • Aquafor, infant tylenol, gas meds

  • Milestone markers for cute monthly pics

  • Baby book (for memories)

  • Gentle/sensitive laundry detergent

  • Baby monitor

And a Few Tips:

  • Sign up for emails from Lucie’s List. Once you tell them the age or expected arrival date of your little one, you’ll receive 1 email a week that will cover a topic (teething, starting solids, 4 month sleep regression) that is time appropriate. I love reading their emails because they are so relevant and helpful!

  • Investing in a sleep training class can be oh so worth it. We read Babywise but ended up falling in love with Taking Cara Babies. Her advice is really clear and specific. I really just wanted someone to tell me HOW to get my baby to nap and exactly what to do when he refused. I got to a point where the price was totally worth it. There are lots of options out there, so find what works for you.

  • If you’re nervous about eventually moving your baby from bassinet to crib for nights, consider having your baby take daytime naps in the crib (starting that first day home). Then it won’t be unfamiliar!

  • If you have a small house like me, you may not need things like a doc-a-tot (the nursery is so close) or a diaper pale. Some baby items are great for people with multi-level homes but unnecessary for those with smaller, single-level homes. Don’t feel pressured to buy things that don’t make sense for you.

  • Mom forums on facebook can be a wonderful source of information! But they’re not all created equal… If comments within a group start to stress you out or make you feel sub-par, feel free to cut that toxic relationship off! I spent too many hours feeling mom-guilt inflicted by mom groups on facebook. (BUT yes, some groups are awesome.)

  • Hospital Goodies - Most nurses will gladly stock you up on all the hospital goodies (diapers, formula, mesh undies for you), so don’t feel bad to ask (if they don’t ask you first). We also LOVE those flannel hospital blankets…

Okay okay I think that’s enough for now! I’m signing off, but before I go… one more picture of my sweet Thatcher Gray <3


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Nursery Reveal