When to Book Maternity and Newborn Sessions

Only about 5% of babies are actually born on their due date, so you may be wondering when you should book a newborn session. I’ve had people book sessions when they’re 12 weeks along, and I’ve had people book sessions when their newborn is 3 weeks old. I’ve even had people book sessions for 3 month olds, because they regretted not booking a “newborn” session. Fall is my busy season, so if you’re expecting a little one September through December, I recommend reaching out early, if you can. But in general, I’d say - reach out whenever you think do to so! And if that’s the day you find out you’re pregnant, then great! Or if that’s during a 2am feeding with your 4 week old, then great! I will always try to find a time to get you in, but I do love having some heads-up, if you happen to be a planner.

I recommend scheduling newborn sessions within 4 weeks of your due date. More traditional newborn photographers who utilize elaborate newborn posing would give you a different answer. Fortunately, there’s no wrong age for lifestyle photos! Phew! I will tell you that newborns tend to be the sleepiest in the first 2 weeks. A lot of moms prefer an awake baby, however! (Or maybe just a little more time for them to recover…) At the end of the day, it’s a personal preference. Once you reach out to me, we’ll get a tentative date on the calendar. If your little one arrives early or late, we can reschedule as needed.

When it comes to maternity photos, it’s again…subjective. How pregnant do you want to be in photos? If it’s your first baby, you may not really show until later in the pregnancy. But keep in mind that babies are unpredictable. I wouldn’t recommend scheduling a maternity session too close to your due date. Taking photos in the 7-8 month window would probably be my general guidance, but I’m happy to take photos before or after that as well!

Pregnant woman stands, between 2 brick walls, smiling as she holds her belly
New mother holds her newborn baby girl, wearing matching dresses, they snuggle closely
New mom holds her newborn baby boy, in the comfort of her Pittsburgh home

Some Thoughts on Feeding Babies


Hello There, 2022