Best Snacks for Photo Sessions
Perhaps you looked at that title and thought…why does it matter what snacks I bring? It DEFINITELY matters, and I’m going to tell you why!
First of all, I recommend all parents bring snacks to photo sessions with young children, but I’d advise keeping them hidden so you can use in case of emergency (Emergency = hangry meltdown, bribery to achieve a coveted shot that’s just not happening, or a quick way to dry up tears after a sibling did something not so nice). Now let’s get to the point…
The best snacks for photo sessions are:
1) Not messy
I know m&ms are supposed to melt in your mouth and not in your hand, but well…that’s a lie. Your child will cradle those m&ms in his or her warm hand until the color melts. That color will then be transferred to his (or your) white shirt. OR the chocolate will melt in his mouth as he laughs in an otherwise adorable photo. I’ll spare you the details, but it’s not cute. Pick a snack that is mess free!
2) Quick to eat
Have you ever watched a 3 year old eat a gummy bear? I have! It takes a while… and that chewing face is not the cutest in photos. So if you want to make the most of your time with me, pick snacks that are quick to chew.
3) Easy to hide
If you don’t want your child holding a colorful snack package for photos, don’t hand them one! The best option is to keep a snack in your pocket or bag and bring 1 piece out at a time as needed.
4) Good motivators for your child
You know your child best! And if goldfish crackers or teddy grahams (or another snack that follows the last 3 guidelines) just won’t cut it, bring the m&ms. We’ll make it work.
Lastly, I just want to remind you that hanger (regardless of whether it’s coming from your child or from you) is not cute in photos. And a lot of sessions happen right around meal or snack time! So plan ahead and try to make sure everyone has a full belly before we start photos :) Then your snack bag will really just be in case of emergency!