Come on in and enjoy a story! I promise there will be pictures…

Kelsey Cunningham Kelsey Cunningham

When Should I Schedule Maternity Photos

This is a commonly asked question and a great one! My answer varies, so here are some things to consider:

1) Is this your first child?

If it’s your first time on this rodeo, your body will start to show later. When it’s your 2nd, 3rd… child, you’re likely to show much faster.

2) Is your goal to look super pregnant or to look as flattering as possible while still being visibly pregnant?

If you want to look back at these pictures and remember how big your belly got, you might consider scheduling a session during your 8th month of pregnancy (9th month is risky, because you could always go early). If you want to look more comfortable, you might consider scheduling a session for month 7 (or even month 6, with proper hand placement in photos).

3) What month are you due?

If you’re aiming for an outdoor session, and you’re due in early May, you may want to hold off as long as possible in hopes that you’ll get some blooming flowers in your photos! If you’re due in January, you may opt for an October session, because October is a beautiful month. If you’ll be taking photos at home or in a studio, you don’t need to worry about this!

Below, you’ll find my monthly bump pictures from my 1st and 2nd pregnancy. Just keep in mind that I’m 1 example and you may have a completely different experience! I hope this visualization helps though :)

Months 4 - 9 with my first child:

Months 4 - 9 with my 2nd child (had baby at 37 weeks!):

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Kelsey Cunningham Kelsey Cunningham

3 of my Favorite Lifestyle Poses for Families

I’ll be celebrating 5 years in business this year (wow wow WOW!), and I wanted to share a few of my favorite family poses/prompts!

1) Play telephone

I love this one for families with at least 2 kids, especially when the kids are a little older.

3 young boys sit between their parents and laugh

2) Run up and surprise mom & dad!

This is great for 1 or more kids who are reaching a playful and mischievous age. I tell them I have a job for them, and then I tell them we’re going to surprise mom and dad with a hug on the count of 3. I have the kids stand off to the side (opposite sides, if more than 1 kid), and I pose the parents sitting down. Then I tell the parents (with a wink to the kids) that this will be a picture of JUST mom and dad. I count to 3 slowly and then say GO!!! The kids usually want to do this a few times, even though it’s no longer a surprise. I think the key to this one is making it sound super fun and super silly when you present the idea to the kids. If 1 of the siblings is under 2 or just shy, you might have that child sit with mom & dad. And if you have slightly older kids, mention that they should surprise the parents with a gentle hug (not a tackle…)

3) Swing your child

This is ideal for families with just 1, younger child (1-2 years). If there’s another sibling, version 1 can still be done by having that child hold mom/dad’s other hand. (And they’ll typically also want a turn at swinging.)

Note: This is a pick-your-own-adventure for the parents. I offer up both of the pose options you see below, because not all parents feel comfortable swinging a child by the arms. I want the decision to be completely in their hands!

Parents swing their child between them by supporting her chest
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Kelsey Cunningham Kelsey Cunningham

Maternity Leave

If things are quiet for a while, it’s because I’m having a baby! Please be patient as it may take a while for me to respond to emails. I’m due in late April, and I’ll be taking at least 4 weeks off from photography. Can’t wait to photograph your sweet family when I return!

Pregnant woman, her husband, and their son on his shoulders, smile at the camera. They stand in front of a beautiful, pink, Magnolia tree
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