A Family Hike in the Woods {Pittsburgh Family Photography}

I love going for hikes. I love fresh air and nature, and I really really love an excuse to leave my phone at home for some quality time with my husband. Before I met my husband though, I would go on hikes by myself. The extrovert in me feels almost embarrassed and strange to tell you that I enjoyed those lonesome walks! The truth is, it gave me time to pray and to think and to dream in a season when I wasn’t setting aside enough time for those things. I remember rather vividly a particular afternoon when I realized that I was so alone in the woods that I had the freedom to sing aloud while walking. It felt almost therapeutic! 

When Marie reached out to me to schedule a hiking photo shoot for her family, I was ecstatic. You mean I get to hike along with you and just capture moments? YES PLEASE! Oh friends, this family is a group of wonderful explorers! The boys don’t all love photos, but they DO love hiking. They showed me their favorite spots, caught more than 1 frog, and competed in a little brotherly competition of toss-the-biggest-stone-into-the-creek. If you haven’t played, you probably should. Without further ado, some of my favorite shots from our time together…


My Home Church


When Mom Wants Family Pictures...