My Home Church

My husband and I took a trip to my home in Indiana this past weekend, and it was so nice to be back! A very important part of every trip home is church on Sunday morning. My home church watched me grow up. My mom helped organize VBS and a number of musicals for the kids to perform. My dad led the youth group and still manages the sound board. Everyone at Bethel has a role. The building is quaint but the congregation fills the sanctuary. Everyone knows everyone, and pitch-ins are still very much a thing (pitch-in = pot-luck for all of you Pennsylvanians). Every person plays a role in the congregation, and the church really needs every one of those people. It’s not a church where you can blend in, unnoticed, on a Sunday morning. Some people love that, and some people hate it - to each their own! All I can say is that I’m thankful for that little church, hidden amidst cornfields come July. That church feels like family.

I’d like to introduce you to the pastor of Bethel, Kristine Marshall. Kristine is a beautiful human. She’s one of those people who has this incredible ability to make you feel known and loved almost immediately. Her messages feel very personal, and although I don’t live in town, I love hearing all of the updates my parents give me about things she’s doing in the church or ways she’s spoken into the lives of my parents.

In addition to being a kind soul and gifted speaker, Kristine is also a talented artist. During lent, she decorated 40 beautiful butterflies that adorned the church’s exterior. After an unfortunate storm, many of the butterflies were broken. Kristine spoke about the beauty in our brokenness that week at church. Kristine now decorates butterflies to be given to those who need lifted up. It’s a beautiful ministry - quite literally! What an awesome way to share the love of God.


Baby Ezra {Pittsburgh In-Home Newborn Photography}


A Family Hike in the Woods {Pittsburgh Family Photography}