Come on in and enjoy a story! I promise there will be pictures…

Kelsey Cunningham Kelsey Cunningham

Best Snacks for Photo Sessions

Perhaps you looked at that title and thought…why does it matter what snacks I bring? It DEFINITELY matters, and I’m going to tell you why!

First of all, I recommend all parents bring snacks to photo sessions with young children, but I’d advise keeping them hidden so you can use in case of emergency (Emergency = hangry meltdown, bribery to achieve a coveted shot that’s just not happening, or a quick way to dry up tears after a sibling did something not so nice). Now let’s get to the point…

The best snacks for photo sessions are:

1) Not messy

I know m&ms are supposed to melt in your mouth and not in your hand, but well…that’s a lie. Your child will cradle those m&ms in his or her warm hand until the color melts. That color will then be transferred to his (or your) white shirt. OR the chocolate will melt in his mouth as he laughs in an otherwise adorable photo. I’ll spare you the details, but it’s not cute. Pick a snack that is mess free!

2) Quick to eat

Have you ever watched a 3 year old eat a gummy bear? I have! It takes a while… and that chewing face is not the cutest in photos. So if you want to make the most of your time with me, pick snacks that are quick to chew.

3) Easy to hide

If you don’t want your child holding a colorful snack package for photos, don’t hand them one! The best option is to keep a snack in your pocket or bag and bring 1 piece out at a time as needed.

4) Good motivators for your child

You know your child best! And if goldfish crackers or teddy grahams (or another snack that follows the last 3 guidelines) just won’t cut it, bring the m&ms. We’ll make it work.

Lastly, I just want to remind you that hanger (regardless of whether it’s coming from your child or from you) is not cute in photos. And a lot of sessions happen right around meal or snack time! So plan ahead and try to make sure everyone has a full belly before we start photos :) Then your snack bag will really just be in case of emergency!

2 sisters lay on the floor and laugh

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Kelsey Cunningham Kelsey Cunningham

My #1 Trick to Great Photos

You’ve spent what feels like forever picking out coordinating outfits, you got everyone bathed and dressed (no easy feat!), you convinced your husband this will totally be worth the money, and well…you’re nervous it’s not going to go perfectly.

I’m going to let you in on my #1 best trick for parents. This is your ticket to great photos, so pay attention!

I want you to have fun with your kids.

Yup! That’s it. I just want you to have fun. I want you to play and laugh and let loose a little! I want you to step out of that car, take a deep breath, and forget about any stress you may have felt wrangling your children. And I want your spouse to do the same (so make sure you text them the link to this blog right now).

I absolutely have sessions with toddlers who refused to nap, babies who spit up on their new outfit, husbands who got home late from work, and 4 year olds who just aren’t sure they want to trust the lady with the camera yet. What makes ALL the difference is how you, the parent, approach the photo session. There’s nothing that kills the moment faster than a stressed out parent. Are you gonna let yourself have fun?

A mom and a dad willing to be silly and have fun with their kids turns into magic in photos! Your kids will respond to your mood, and everyone will show true joy in their smiles. So please please please, give it a try!

Kids run up to their mom with a huge hug and everyone laughs
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Kelsey Cunningham Kelsey Cunningham

The Style Guide

One of my most commonly asked questions is “What should we wear or not wear for photos?” so I’m bringing you some more tips today!

1) Do your clothes fit you well?

I would love to tell you that I’ll be on the lookout for bra-straps peaking out, but when I’m working with kids, an adult’s clothing is rarely my priority. I’ll be far more focused on getting your kids to smile! So please don’t assume clothing mishaps can be edited out. Instead, wear clothes you won’t have to worry about adjusting. Then you can relax and enjoy photos fully!

Quick tip: If you’re putting your young daughter in a dress, I highly recommend putting shorts under the dress.

2) Is everyone dressed for the weather?

Shivering kids tend to be unhappy kids, and unhappy kids don’t photograph well. You can usually get a general weather forecast 10 days out, so even if the temperatures are unseasonably cold, try to layer up to avoid everyone looking cold! (And not all layers have to be visible - you can put 2 pairs of tights on your daughter or put a long sleeve shirt under your son’s sweater.) If you have an outdoor session in the morning, pay closer attention to the forecasted low than the forecasted high. And remember that mornings can be dewy, so shoes may get wet, depending on the location you’ve chosen.

3) Have you selected a color palette?

For a cohesive look in a group, I recommend choosing a general color palette (rather than identical outfits). I like to include at least 1 print (this usually ties the color palette together) and at least 1 texture (great for visual interest/depth). If you have multiple prints, consider picking ones that vary in size and style (ie- a larger plaid and a small floral).

Dresses photograph beautifully, and Amazon ships quickly…check out my list of Amazon dresses for mom if you need some ideas! I also love Altar’d State, Francesca’s and Baltic Born for dresses! Pants are great too, but I’m a sucker for dresses, personally.

4) Is anyone wearing bright red?

Bright red and super saturated pinks are known for casting a pinkish/reddish hue onto the nearest victim. Lifestyle photography is full of cuddly shots, so mom’s red sweater will make that precious toddler’s face look very…well, red. If your entire family shows up in red, I’ll never say a thing. But if you’re asking for tips…avoid red (at least the bright kind). Bright, saturated pink and most neons have a similar affect.

5) Any other thoughts on color?

I tend to love lightly colored neutrals! Just keep in mind that certain hues can wash out certain skin tones and hair colors (beigey-creams and melon tones, for instance).

If you’ll be in a very green environment (ie - many parks in the middle of summer), consider wearing a color other than green.

If your photo session takes place in-home, and you’re worried about your home having low natural light, consider wearing lighter colors (like white) that reflect light rather than darker colors (like black) that will only make your photos moodier. If moody is your vibe, then don’t worry about this one.

6. What about footwear?

Some men show up in dress pants with sneakers. If this is your vibe, then cool! But this is your reminder to consider everyone’s footwear, including the guys. And truly…I don’t care if you want to wear sneakers, go barefoot, or wear dressy footwear. Just give it some thought so it’s intentional.

7. Anything else?

Do your kids have temporary tattoos up and down their arms? If yes…do you WANT those in photos? If yes, then I’m totally fine with that! If not, try nail polish remover on a cotton ball…takes temporary tattoos off in an instant. I understand that nail polish remover isn’t a gentle skincare product, and you’re welcome to use whatever you’d like! But if you get desperate…

Now, if you’d like a little inspiration, here’s a family that totally nailed it!

A family laughs as they all look at each other
Parents sit on a blanket with their kids, tickling them. Everyone laughs
A family holds hands and walks, looking at each other
A mom and dad stand with their young daughters smiling
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